发表于 2019-04-26 18:00:34 股吧网页版

elementary school (小学)


  - one up on wall street,(彼得·林奇的成功投资)by peter lynch(彼得·林奇)

  - buffett: the making of an american capitalist(一个美国资本家的成长-巴菲特传), by roger lostein

  - value
investing with the masters(跟大师学价值投资), by kirk kazanjian (0735203210)

  - the davis
dynasty(戴维斯王朝——五十年华尔街成功投资历程), by john rothchild

valuegrowth investing(价值成长型投资), by glen arnold


  junior high


  - the 5 keys
to value investing(价值投资五大关键), by j. dennis jean-jacques

  - beating the street(战胜华尔街), by peter lynch(彼得·林奇)

  - investment
fables(打破神话的投资十诫), by
aswath damodaran

  - the vest
pocket guide to value investing(价值投资手册), by c. thomas howard

  - common stocks and uncommon profits(怎样选择成长股),
by philip fisher (菲利普.费雪)


  high school (高中)


  - made in
america(美国制造), by sam
walton (萨姆.沃尔顿)

  - forbes'
greatest investing stories( 福布斯最大投资传奇), by richard phalon

  - john neff
on investing(约翰.聂夫谈投资), by john neff (约翰.聂夫)

  - the
intelligent investor(聪明的投资者), by benjamin graham (本杰明.格雷厄姆)【发财说:《证券分析》值得阅读。】

  - the money
masters(金融大师), by john


  university (大学)


  - stocks for
the long run(股史风云话投资(第3版散户投资正典)), by jeremy siegel (西格尔)【发财说:这个作者写的《投资者的未来》很值得阅读,作为初级读物。】

  - quality of
earnings(盈利的质量), by
thornton oglove (0029226309)

  - investing
in small-cap stocks(投资小盘股), by christopher graja and elizabeth ungar

  - the book
of investing wisdom(投资智慧书), by peter krass

  - you can be
a stock market genius(你能成为股市天才), by joel greenblatt


  grad school (研究院)


  - break up!, by campbell, koch & sadtler

  - investment
gurus(投资大师), by
peter tanous

  - value investing: a balanced approach(《价值投资:平稳途径》), by martin whitman

  - value
investing: from graham to buffett and beyond(价值投资:从格雷厄姆到巴菲特及其他), by bruce greenwald

  - the road to serfdom(通往奴#####役之路), by f.a. hayek (哈谢克)



  post-doc 1: (博士后1)

  - it's
earnings that count(起作用的是盈利), heiserman

  - the five rules for successful stock investing(股市真规则),

  - inside
intuit(intuit公司内####幕), taylor
& scroeder

  - pour your heart into it(星巴克咖啡王国传奇), schultz &

  - investment


  post-doc 2: (博士后2)

  - damodaran on valuation(价值评估,另一个译本译名:论价值:投资与公司财务安全性分析),

  - contrarian
investment strategies: the next generation(反向投资策略:升级版), dreman

  - moneyball(钱与球: 在不公平比赛中获胜的艺术), lewis

  - investment
intelligence from insider trading (从内线交易中获得的投资情报)

  - financial
shenanigans(财务诡计), schilit


  post-doc 3: (博士后3)

  - bull! a history of the boom, 1982-1999,(牛市!1982-1999的市场繁荣历史)

  - wall street: a history,(华尔街史) geisst

  - the effective executive(有效的管理者), drucker (彼得.德鲁克)

  - the essential drucker(管理大师德鲁克精华), drucker (彼得.德鲁克)

  - the essays of warren buffet(巴菲特致股东的信:股份公司教程), buffet


  post-doc 4: (博士后4)

  - letters to shareholders: warren buffet (巴菲特致股东的信)

  - letters to
shareholders: charlie munger (芒格致股东的信)

  - bershire
hathaway owners manual(伯克夏所有者手册), buffet (以上三个见伯克夏网站)

  - the dark
side of valuation(深入价值评估), damodaran
